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20 curiosities that seem interesting but are actually horrible


Published: Apr 29, 2024


Horrible curiositiesFunnyWorld

Your life will be much better before you know about these curiosities.

1.Believe me, it has been proven that it is possible to vomit poop.

The name of this phenomenon is "fecal vomiting" and it can happen when there is a blockage in the intestines.

2.Around 7,000 people die every year because of the poor handwriting of doctors.

Most deaths caused by these errors are due to very illegible prescriptions and incomprehensible dosage recommendations.

3.You run a greater risk of catching a disease by kissing a human rather than a dog.

Although it's not a 100% proven curiosity and dogs' mouths aren't entirely cleaner than human mouths, you still have a much lower chance of catching germs and diseases by kissing another human than a dog.

4.Spruces can grow in lungs.

This x-ray above is of a Russian man with a "tree" growing in his lung. The 28-year-old patient, named Artyon Sidorkin, made this discovery together with doctors after inhaling a pine seed, which sprouted and grew in his lung, confusing doctors into thinking it was a tumor.

5.There is a chance that you will never be identified if you are killed in the USA.

National Public Radio has reported that at least 200,000 murders have remained unsolved to this day since 1960, so there is a possibility that you will be killed and forgotten forever.

6.In the past, doctors operated on babies without anesthesia because they "didn't" feel pain.

Before 1960, there were concerns that anesthesia could also be fatal to newborns. However, today we know that a child can feel just as much pain as a full-grown human.

7.There are thousands of bacteria on the cake when candles are blown out on a birthday.

It is estimated that there is a 1,400% increase in bacteria accumulated in cake icing, but the amount depends on how healthy the birthday boy or girl is or whether they spit too much.

8.Many shopping trolleys contain fecal bacteria.

After that, you'll never be the same when you pick up a shopping trolley at the supermarket.

9.Every 18 minutes a person has a ruptured brain aneurysm.

In other words, around 30,000 people suffer this type of disruption every year.

10.According to estimates by Thomas Hargrove, a homicide expert, there are more than 2,000 unidentified serial killers.

According to the available records, there are more than 27,000 murders that do not appear in the FBI files.

11.If the sun exploded right now, it would take you eight minutes to find out.

If the sun exploded right now, it would take you eight minutes to find out.

12.There is a real Doomsday Clock.

The famous Doomsday Clock has been maintained since 1947 by the directors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in Chicago. It consists of "analyzing" where the human race is at minutes to midnight, which represents the start of a nuclear war. Currently the clock is only two minutes to midnight.

13.One in 25 people in the world has tried marijuana

Australian researchers, in collaboration with the UNODC, have revealed that approximately 166 million people worldwide have tried marijuana or are active users, representing one in 25 people between the ages of 15 and 64 in 2006.

14.Traveling into space can definitely be a bad idea

It may seem glamorous to be an astronaut, but the reality is quite different. Basic tasks, such as using vacuum tubes, are complicated in space. NASA demands perfect health from its astronauts, as reports show that some come back with vision problems and atrophied muscles, in addition to the stress experienced at altitude.

15.Adolf Hitfler was the creator of the beetle

That's right, Adolf Hitler was the creator of the car that became very successful decades ago. He created the vehicle in 1935 during a meeting with Ferdinand Porsche, and made a sketch on a napkin with ideas for popular cars with the requirement that it cost no more than 1,000 marks, equivalent to 1,700 dollars.

16.The average person meets or crosses the street with around 16 murderers in their lifetime.

On Reddit, someone has already made an interesting calculation for a person living in a medium-sized city in the United States:

Receiving 10 new individuals each day x 365 days a year x 71 years of life results in approximately 260,000 distinct people that someone could meet or cross paths with on the street over the course of their existence.

Considering this estimate of 260,000 lifetime contacts and taking into account the average of around 6 murderers per 100,000 people, this gives a total of 15.6 (or approximately 16) murderers, statistically speaking.

17.There are insects eating the dead skin off your face right now

These insects are known as "demodex mites" and the older they are, the more there are of them in their hair follicles, spreading all over the skin.

18.In 1518, an epidemic caused 400 people to dance involuntarily for several days.

Many people affected by the epidemic died of heart attacks, strokes and even exhaustion.

19.We live the anniversary of our death every year without realizing it

20.The brain can trick you into seeing monsters in the mirror. This phenomenon is known as the Troxler Effect.

The Troxler Effect is an optical illusion in which static objects appear to disappear or transform when you look at them for a prolonged period, especially when there is visual fixation on a point close to them. This is due to the adaptation of the visual receptors in the eye, resulting in the perception of a distorted or missing image.

