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30 very funny jokes to make in 2024 with your friends


Published: Apr 23, 2024



There's nothing better than starting 2024 with a good list of jokes to tell your friends, after all, life deserves to be seen in a light and entertaining light! It's no different here at WebFandoh, so let us know if any of these jokes have entertained you a little! 😛

We at WebFandoh are passionate about good humor, and jokes to lighten the mood in all kinds of environments are very valid! Laughing not only helps to improve physical and mental health, but also strengthens creativity and gives us confidence in ourselves. No wonder "laughter is the best medicine". Here are 30 jokes to lighten the mood without offending anyone:

1.Problems on the road:

- Sir, are you aware that you were driving excessively fast?

- Excessively fast? You mean above the speed limit?

- Yes, but I'm also aware that my speed was directly related to the time it took me to find a parking space!

2. Technological problems:

-Young man, could you help me solve this problem on my computer?

-Computer problem? You mean a system error?

-Yes, but I'm more worried about the solar system error! My weather forecast is showing meteor showers!

3.The drunk

-The drunk is crossing the road outside the crosswalk and a car honks at him: "Bi-bi!".

-The drunk replies: "Me too, bibi, and not a little".

4.At the doctor's office:

-Doctor, I'm feeling a strange sensation in my throat.

-Strange sensation? You mean a sore throat?

-Yes, but I'm more worried about the strange sensation of having memorized the anatomy of all the bacteria that cause colds!

5.In the bookshop:

-Good afternoon, can I help you find a book?

-Find? You mean recommend?

-Yes, but I'm more interested in finding the last page of the book I'm reading. It seems she's decided to take a vacation without telling me!

6.At the police station

- Deputy, I'm very worried. My husband went out this afternoon to buy rice and hasn't come back yet. What should I do?

- I don't know, make pasta.

7.What did the fish say to the other fish? Nothing, fish don't talk!

8.Why was the math book so sad? Because it had too many problems without solutions!

9.The dog's idol

-The dog was asked who his favorite singer is.

-He answered Latino.

10.Moon and Sun

What did the Moon say to the Sun?

- Wow, you're so big and they still won't let you go out at night!

11.In the garden store

- How much do these vases cost?

- The good one costs 20 and the bad one costs 40.

- And why is the bad one more expensive?

- Because bad vases don't break.

12.Book of Records

- Hello, are you from Guinness?

- Yes, it is. What would you like?

- I'd like to inform you that I've broken a record. I put together a thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle.

- You'll forgive me, but anyone can do that.

- But I put it together in 10 days!

- Sir, anyone can do that. Even if you'd put it together in 10 hours, it wouldn't be a record.

- It's just that the cover says "3 to 5 years"...

13.More jokes

  1. Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems.

  2. What's the cars' favorite sweet? Motorstache.

  3. What did the younger lawyer say to the older one? "I'm suing my hairdresser for uneven cuts."

  4. Why did the cat go to the doctor? Because it was feeling meowy.

  5. Why doesn't the bird use the internet? Because it already has the cloud.

19.What did zero say to eight? "What a nice belt you're wearing!"

  1. Why did the coffee go to the therapist? Because it was spilling too much.

  2. What is the oldest animal? The zebra, because it's always striped.

22.What does a vegetarian cannibal eat? Vegetarians.

  1. Why was the fish expelled from school? Because it was making a mess in class!


-Did you hear about the fire at the circus?

-It was in tents!

25.Cheapest animal in the world

Which animal isn't expensive?

The cockroach;

26.Bad luck to give and sell

-I entered ten puns in a competition to see which one would win.

-None of the ten puns won.

27.At the amusement park:

-Kids, are you having fun?

-Having fun? You mean enjoying it?

-Yes, but I'm more worried about how fast I'm spinning on the roller coaster. It seems that my gravity has decided to take a trip to the moon without taking me along!

28.Why didn't the skeleton go to the ball? Because it didn't have the body to dance!

29.Crazy banana

What did the banana say to the dog? "Nothing, bananas don't talk. And you're crazy, thinking that a banana is talking to a dog!"

30.What did the cell phone say to the other cell phone when they got stuck in traffic? "We're on!"

